According to studies, 63% of data breaches are a result of a weak, default, or stolen password.
Is the security of your business being held together by a few letters and numbers in a password? What measures can you take to bolster the security of your business in this online, cloud-based world? How can you improve your current security setup?
Frequently auditing your business and its ability to fight cyber attacks is an important piece of longevity.
Keep reading to learn ways that improving online security can help your business:
Table of Contents
1. Create a Budget for Improving Online Security
Regardless of the size of a business, cybercriminals are always searching for easy access and valuable data to steal.
If spending money on online security is not a priority, there may be less protection against hackers. Setting specific funds aside to run the cybersecurity needed to protect your business is an important step in keeping your information safe.
2. Inform Your Employees
It is important to keep employees up to date on the steps you are taking to protect the company’s information, as well as their business activities. Providing training for them to recognize any new threats or dangers will help them be more aware if they notice something that is out of the ordinary.
Explaining the importance of online security and asking them to follow a set of guidelines will completing their tasks can help keep everyone on the same page.
3. Choose Your Server Carefully
In order to put your company in the best position to be secure with your online business activities, you should consider what server you are using.
Using dedicated servers would allow you to customize it to the features that your business needs and not be bothered by the things that your business won’t use within the server.
4. More Than a Password
Unfortunately, it is going to take more than a password to keep your business protected from outside threats.
One way to create another layer of protection is by utilizing multi-factor authentication. This is especially beneficial in areas related to financial transactions within the business. Even if a hacker was able to find out the password for the account, they would be required to also get another answer right before having access to the information.
5. Make Extra Copies
Have you ever heard the saying that says not to keep all your eggs in one basket? This is especially true with important business information. Anything that pertains to the function of your business should be stored separately in two or more places.
Choosing to regularly backup the data with a paper copy or in a hard-drive that is stored in a secure location should become a new security strategy within your business.
6. Stay Current
While new updates to your computer or apps can be annoying, it is important that you keep these items up to date. These software updates are designed to improve the function of the software and having an outdated version could cause you to be vulnerable to a potential cyber-attack.
Get Started Today
It’s never too early to begin improving online security within your business. You may be already taking some of these measures but there is always room to improve the current security setup you have. Check out our website for more helpful articles like this one.