Driving license status- How to check?

driving license status
Source: cars24.com

A driving license is essential for every person who possesses a car or bike or any other vehicle. At any part of the plan, driving a vehicle without a proper and valid license is illegal and a punishable offense. The punishment or penalty for breaking this rule varies from country to country. When you have applied for a new license or a renewal for your license, it is your job to check the driving license status online continuously. In every country, the government shows the driving license status online for the citizens to check time-to-time. The country’s respective government will show you the current status whether the application is accepted, or under processing, or requires any document from the holder, or approved, or declined. Based on the status shown on the internet, you can determine the next step to follow. Let us pay attention to the process of checking the driving license status.

How to check driving license status

A Registration certificate is an official document that is issued when someone registers their motor vehicle. It acts as proof that the motor vehicle belongs to a specific person. In India, it is mandatory to register your motor vehicle. If you are caught driving on the road without a valid RC, it is a punishable offense that attracts imprisonment, a fine, or both. Also, minors’ parents found driving without a valid Learner’s License will be punished severely for giving their vehicle to a minor.

So, please check if all your vehicles are registered in your name. If you have purchased a used vehicle, make sure the ownership is transferred, and the RC displays your name. It is straightforward to check your RC status online. You just have to visit the website to know your RC status. Here are the steps for checking the driving license status online.

driving license status
Source: zameen.com

Visit the website

Every country has its respective online services for checking the driving license status. So your first step is to visit the website for the status check. According to the website’s available option, you need to find out the option for an online status check for the driving license. You need to fill up some necessary information related to the license and search for that page’s status. The website will show you the result of your search. If you put the exact details in the required fields, then it will show the current status of your new driving license or license renewal. If you do not find anything depicting related to your license, you must double-check the details you have put in the required fields. The license will not come up if you put the wrong information.

Even after putting the correct information in the required fields, if the website is not showing your driving license in the search result, you must contact the authority for further confirmation. You can also go to the state’s official website or the country’s transportation department to check your driving license status.

What do you need on the official website?

First, the website will ask you to enter your application number. Once you submit your driving license application request, an officer will issue you the application number. Nest, Select the state you reside in or applied for the driving license from the drop-down. Then, select the Regional Transport Office(RTO) name from the drop-down and click on the “Submit” button. You will be able to see your details, like your name and your driving license’s status, online. With the power of the internet, you can now check your driving license status in less than a minute. Go ahead and try it today.

driving license status

Steps to check driving license status

Whenever people apply for a new driving license or renew their old one, they would want to know the driving license status. Knowing your driving license’s status helps you see the driving license’s validity and other essential details. You should know that it takes about a month for the driving license to be processed, posted, and delivered to you at your doorstep. You may be required to check your driving license’s status online when you have cleared your permanent driving license test, applied for an international driving license, applied for a duplicate driving license, or submitted your driving license renewal application. Here are the steps

First, visit the website of your respective country or state. You will be asked to select the state you took the driving license service from on the main page. Please choose the respective state and proceed. As soon as you select the state, the website will redirect you to the main page, where you find an array of options Undernder “Driving License, “ expand the options under the “Apply Online” tab on your left-hand side. Choose “Application Status” from the options. Once you choose Application Status”, you will be asked to enter the Application Number and your date of birth and click on the “Submit” button.

driving license status
Source: ltrent.com.au

Some facts

  • Please know that it generally takes about a month for the driving license to be delivered to you from the time you have applied for it. So, being patient is the key here.
  • Before applying for a driving license, you should have a Learner’s License (LL). Without LL, you will not be allowed to apply for a driving license irrespective of how well you drive or how old you are.
  • The countries are continually coming up with ways to expedite the process and allow you to check for your driving license status online on their portal.
  • Driving Licenses are issued in India, like any other international driving license. Come with an expiry date. On or before the expiry date, you should renew your driving license.
  • If your driving license is torn, damaged, or lost, you can go ahead and apply for a duplicate driving license. You will be able to apply for an identical driving license online.
  • Generally, it takes approximately three weeks for the Driving License to be delivered home. Make sure that even if you are not home, there is someone with ID proof who can accept it on your behalf, with sufficient documentation proof.

So this all about how to check the driving license status.