Should you consider nail grinding for dogs?

nail grinding for dogs

Dogs are a great source of joy for the owner as they are loyal and affectionate. But the wonderful pets have to stay healthy and beautiful. So, their fur, nails, and ears have to get groomed using a variety of tools. The most common problem for dog owners is sharp nails. Especially if there is a small kid at home or if the dog is too playful. You can also resort to nail grinding for dogs with professional-grade electrical tools.

Clipping and grinding are two nail care solutions with subtle differences. The former is a manual process that is quick and safe. But grinding is more effective for thick and large nails. Yes, it is a little scary due to the grinder’s noise, dust, smell, and rotary action. But the outcomes are satisfactory, provided you take adequate precautions.

What is nail grinding for dogs?

Grinding involves fast and rotating movements to trim a surface. The pet’s nails get shortened using a tool called a grinder. It is a cylinder-shaped rotary tool that runs on electric power. It has a round metal head that spins at a rapid pace. Unlike clippers, you do not have to apply any manual force. The grinding tool is available in the market in various shapes and sizes. You can find both battery-operated and outlet plug-in models. These cordless grinders are more convenient and easy to use while traveling.

The round metal head of the tool spins very quickly on the nails. It can grind the nails down to a smaller size and make them smooth and round. The grinder can also act as a nail file to give finishing, final touches after clipping the longer nails.

How to use the grinders?

Professional groomers are well-trained, skilled, and experienced. You can rely on their experience to use the tool aptly. But, while self-caring for your dog, you cannot take up nail grinding for dogs in a careless manner. The grinder is very efficient, but you have to know the techniques too. The trimming tool can grind even thick and large-sized nails. But you have to follow these steps to prevent any untoward incidents.

  1. Always choose a room with good lighting, and position yourself before the dog with the flexibility to move and stop.
  2. Hold the pet’s extended paw firmly and securely in your hand.
  3. Work only on one nail at a time by starting from the tips. Slowly move towards the top of the nail and work back down. Repeat these movements several times till it is smooth.
  4. But do not rush into quick grinding and cause bleeding and pain.
  5. After the nails are cut down length-wise, do the filing action. Gently apply the grinder around the tip with a circular motion. Polish it smooth, check once, and move to the next nail.
  6. Be very alert and notice the dog for any signs of struggle.
  7. Do not shy away from temporarily stopping the process.
  8. Stick to a specific routine, and you will master it in no time.

Benefits of nail grinding for dogs

Modern pets are not averse to innovative technology or tools. They grow up in a sophisticated environment, and they get used to various changes in the home and surrounding environment. So, they can be trained and prepared for the electric-powered grinding process.

  • A virtually painless process that cuts large-sized nails.
  • The shape and thickness of the nails is not an impediment.
  • Nice, natural, and smooth tip and edges are possible.
  • Unlike clippers, the grinders do not create jagged edges either.
  • The nails do not bleed, and the pet co-operates as there is no pain.
  • The tool is user-friendly, and you do not have to waste any strength.
  • It is a very efficient way of saving time and yet achieves the desired results.

Safety measures are the key

Grinding is a painless and smart way of trimming and grooming. It is an excellent alternative for clipping firm, large, and thick nails. Grinders are also suitable for pets that have clipper anxiety. But the grinder head’s vibration against the nails can be an off-putting experience for the pooch. So, be careful and prepare the pet with comforting talk and body language.

  • Ensure that the pet’s hairs are well-groomed before the trimming event. There should not be any long and unwanted fur in the way.
  • Band the longer hairs to prevent their contact with the grinder’s tip.
  • Trim all the long hairs in the paws and in-between areas of footpads.
  • Calm the pet down and ease it into the grinding process with confidence.
  • Stopping at the right time is very necessary to avoid any problem.
  • Be observant throughout the process and notice the pet very closely. If the dog gets scared or unnerved by the noise, quickly calm it down.
  • Use protective masks to cover the eyes and face to avoid dust and smell.

Disadvantages of nail grinding for dogs

  • Some pets do not co-operate if there is noise or loud sound. Get the dog accustomed to the grinder’s movements. Give it treats if you notice anxiety and fear due to irritable noise.
  • The dust, smell, and heat generated by the grinder are also off-putting. Use the tool gradually and take a sufficient number of breaks to calm down the pet.
  • Finally, grinders come with various grit sanding bands and different stone sizes. Experiment and carefully select the right attachment.

Choosing the right tools

Top-grade grinders are available at physical and online pet stores. Search and select the most durable ones. Choose high-performing tools with low and high-speed settings. The following criteria can help to make the best decision:

  • Reasonable prices with warranty and replacement policy.
  • Positive customer reviews, ratings, and rankings on the web.
  • Technical features like extra batteries, LED light, cordless usage, etc.
  • Cosmetic features like rubber grip, plastic casing, shape, size, and color.

In conclusion, nail grinding for dogs is a very effective grooming technique. Choose carefully after evaluating all the pros and cons. Finally, you can always alternate between clipping and grinding to produce the desired outcomes.