Summer is finally here.
This year alone, millions of vacationers will flock to U.S. beaches in droves, eager to show off bikini bodies they’ve worked for all throughout winter.
However, you might’ve put off the gym a few times too many and decided to stay in and binge your favorite Netflix series. Now, you’re desperately trying to figure out how to get a bikini body fast.
During the season of fun in the sun, having a body that isn’t quite summer-ready can put a huge damper on things.
Luckily, for those of us who skipped a few workouts back in December or simply just don’t have time for the gym, there are other options.
Keep reading to learn about how you can skip the gym and still achieve that perfect summer bod just in time for a vacation!
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How to Get a Bikini Body Fast
Even the smallest of changes to your diet and lifestyle can have a significant impact on your figure. You don’t even have to step foot into a gym to slim your waist or lose a few extra pounds.
If you’re in a rush to look summer-ready, then here are a few ways you can implement minor changes into your daily routine to lose weight.
Be Mindful of Your Diet
You’ve heard it before: you are what you eat.
While forcing down a few florets of broccoli with dinner won’t change anything, you can allow your body to be more receptive to weight loss by eating healthy.
Often times, food is the foundation of our figure. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a burger and fries every now and then — it’s all about balance!
Here are a few ways you can alter your diet in order to pave the way to a beach bod.
- Cut back on processed foods
- Reduce your sugar intake
- Steer away from beer
- Prepare protein-packed foods and snacks
- Eat your veggies
As you can see, you don’t have to implement world-altering changes to your diet to lose weight. By simply being mindful here and there, your body will be healthier and more capable of losing weight.
Exercise When Your Schedule Allows
A common excuse for skipping the gym is a busy schedule. Your job, family or other things might be preventing you from carving out time to go to the gym during the day, but that’s no problem.
There are ways that you can get in quick, effective workouts without having to alter your daily routine.
For instance, while you’re at work, try taking the stairs instead of the elevator. If your office building requires you to use the stairs multiple times per day, try jogging up them! You’d be surprised to learn how many calories this method alone can burn.
You could also do push-ups or crunches during your break periods. Don’t be embarrassed about doing them in front of co-workers — instead, have a few of them try it out with you! Soon, it could become a daily tradition and it’ll even be fun.
Of course, walking and running are also some of the best ways to burn excess calories and to lose weight. It’s often lost on people that you can get a bikini body by simply taking laps around your workplace or neighborhood!
What Is Vaser Liposuction
Sometimes, watching what you eat and exercising just isn’t enough. It can be frustrating, but if you’re doing all of these things and still aren’t seeing results, then you might want to consider liposuction.
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure during which stubborn fat is removed from the body. It’s generally a quick, easy and pleasant process! In fact, it’s the most common cosmetic procedure in the U.S., so chances are you probably know someone who’s gotten it done.
If you’ve considered liposuction, or sometimes referred to as “lipo”, you might have shied away from it. A common reason why people decide against traditional liposuction is because of the fluid and enzyme injections, but these methods are now a thing of the past.
What is vaser liposuction? It’s the new, innovative way of preforming fat removal while utilizing an ultrasound. Chemicals and lasers are replaced with the safe precision of ultrasound waves which are used to locate and emulsify fat.
Vaser (vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance) liposuction is safe for your body as it respects all other tissues, muscles, and blood vessels while removing fat. This means that there’s less trauma on your body as it undergoes a transformation.
The Benefits of Vaser Liposuction
This method of liposuction is often preferred by physicians because the patient recovery time is much quicker and smoother. In fact, most patients experienced a full recovery within mere days while traditional procedures often leave patients in bed for weeks or even months.
Also, the ultrasound waves are gentler on bodies as they work to gracefully remove unwanted fat from desired areas. There’s minimal-to-no damage to surrounding tissues which can’t be said for traditional procedures.
Vaser also doesn’t require a large incision but rather a minuscule cut that allows for the ultrasound to turn fat to liquid before it’s removed.
Another upside of vaser is that clients experience less bruising. They’re ready to wear bikinis in practically no time!
Look and Feel Your Best This Summer
You shouldn’t have to worry about feeling self-conscious in a bathing suit or shorts this summer. In fact, you shouldn’t have to feel that way ever! Vaser liposuction is a viable, effective option for people who are interested in how to get a bikini body fast.
Just one simple procedure can help you look and feel the best you ever have. So go stock up on bikinis and go relax poolside (while feeling sexy).
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